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5 Google Docs -Tricks, von denen Sie nicht wussten, dass Sie es brauchten

When it comes to new features in applications we use every day, it can be hard to keep up. Google Docs is no different, with new and updated tools being implemented all the time. If you don’t browse the menus to see what’s different, you can easily miss a newly added, time-saving feature.


  • Set up an email draft for Gmail
  • Get a head-start on meeting notes
  • Write and format in markdown
  • Create a drop-down list

Hukuman | Drama | Film Terbaru | 4K | Full Movie Subtitle Indonesia - Sub Indo * Insert an image or text watermark

To help you boost your productivity, check out these Google Docs tricks that have flown a bit under the radar.

Set up an email draft for Gmail

If you want to compose a Gmail message while your thoughts are fresh, you can do so directly in Google Docs. This handy feature is ideal for emails you want to collaborate on with others you’re sharing your document with; plus, it keeps a reference to the email in your document.

Step 1 : Place your cursor in the document where you want to insert the email draft.

Step 2 : Go to Insert > Building Blocks and select Email draft from the pop-out menu.

Step 3 : Add the email elements you normally would including recipient, CC and BCC, and the subject line. Then, type your message in the designated spot.

Step 4 : Select the Gmail icon on the left of the template.

This process creates the email draft in Gmail, prepared to send. When you’re ready, visit Gmail, sign in, and select the Drafts folder. You’ll see your email, which you can edit or simply send on its way.

In addition to a jumpstart on your email or for collaboration, you might also use Google Docs to create several Gmail drafts in one spot. Then, head over to Gmail and send them all when you’re ready.

Get a head-start on meeting notes

If you plan or join meetings often, you’ll appreciate the meeting notes feature in Google Docs. With it, you can create a meeting notes template with the basics from Google Calendar right in your document. Then, just add the notes when the time comes.

Step 1 : Place your cursor in the document where you want to insert the meeting notes.

Step 2 : Go to Insert > Building Blocks and select Meeting notes from the pop-out menu.

Step 3 : In the window that appears, select the Google Calendar event for the meeting. You can also use the Search your calendar section to find a particular event.

Step 4 : You’ll see Docs add the meeting notes template with the date, title, attendees, and spots for notes and action items.

You can stop hunting around for meeting note templates for Google Docs or other related applications. Just use this handy feature and you’re always ready for the next meeting.

Write and format in markdown

While some places may require you to write in markdown, it might just be one of those things that you simply prefer. Google Docs helps by letting you compose and format your documents using markdown. All you have to do is enable the feature.

Step 1 : Open a document in Google Docs and select Tools from the menu.

Step 2 : Choose Preferences in the list.

Step 3 : Go to the General tab and check the box for Automatically detect Markdown.

Step 4 : Select OK.

With the feature enabled, you can format your document using markdown and see your text immediately update. This includes creating headings, formatting text with bold, italic, or strikethrough, and inserting hyperlinks.

Create a drop-down list

Drop-down lists are some of the fastest ways to enter data, answer questions, and make choices in documents. In Google Docs, you can insert a preset drop-down list or create your own in just minutes.

Step 1 : Place your cursor in your document where you want the drop-down list.

Step 2 : Select Insert > Dropdown from the menu.

Step 3 : In the pop-up window, pick either a preset drop-down list or create your own.

  • To see the list options for a preset list, move your cursor to one of them for a preview.
  • To create your own, add the list items, pick the colors, and arrange the items.

You or your collaborators can just select the drop-down list arrow and pick an item. It then pops into your document, just like that!

Insert an image or text watermark

Until late 2021, one of the only ways to add a watermark in Google Docs was to use the drawing tool. But with an update from Google, you can insert any image or text as a watermark in just a handful of steps.

Use an image watermark

Step 1 : Select Insert > Watermark from the menu.

Step 2 : In the Watermark sidebar that opens, choose the Image tab and pick Select Image.

Step 3 : Locate the image you want to use. You can upload one from your computer, use your camera, enter a URL, use Google Photos or Drive, or perform a Google image search. Choose the image and select Insert.

Schritt 4 : Das Wasserzeichen zeigt sofort in Ihrem Dokument an. Und Sie können ein paar leichte Anpassungen in der Seitenleiste des Wasserzeichens vornehmen, wenn Sie möchten.

Wählen Sie unter Formatierung einen Prozentsatz nach scale des Bildes von 50% bis 100%. Um das Bild transparenter zu machen, überprüfen Sie das Kontrollkästchen für faded.

Schritt 5 : Wählen Sie done, wenn Sie fertig sind.

Verwenden Sie ein Textwasserzeichen

Schritt 1 : Wählen Sie insert> watermark im Menü.

Schritt 2 : Wählen Sie in der Seitenleiste des Wasserzeichens die Registerkarte text.

Schritt 3 : Geben Sie den Text in das Feld oben ein. Sie können es dann mit den zusätzlichen Optionen im Formatierungsabschnitt anpassen.

  • Wählen Sie einen Schriftart.
  • Wählen Sie eine Schriftgröße.
  • Formatieren Sie die Schrift als fett, kursiv oder mit einer Farbe.
  • Passen Sie die Transparenz an.
  • Wählen Sie eine diagonale oder horizontale Position.

Schritt 4 : Wählen Sie done, wenn Sie fertig sind.

Das Einfügen eines Bildes oder Textwasserzeichens auf diese Weise ist viel effizienter als das Erstellen eines mit dem Zeichenwerkzeug.

Hoffentlich helfen Ihnen diese Tricks, in Google Docs noch mehr zu tun als zuvor. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Verwendung von Sprachdiktationen oder zum Erstellen eines Ordners in Google Docs.


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