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Indie MMO-Scheinwerfer: Full Dampf voraus

Each week, we scour the internet for all things indie MMO-related so you don’t have to. This week, we have some news of a beta on the way, and some cool new features to talk about. Let’s quit wasting time and get started with this week’s Indie MMO Spotlight.

Aether Story

Easter may have come and gone, but the Easter Holiday Leaderboard is still up in Aether Story. Collect as many eggs as you can before the end of the month for your chance to win a pet that will carry over into Alpha and beyond.


Ancient Journal 5, A Scholar’s Rant, was posted this week. In it, we get to hear a scholar whine about how much easier his job would have been if he had lived generations ago, similar to how Boomers recall their youth.



It was a busy week in the world of Chimeraland. A Pet Appearance Editor was added to the game on Wednesday followed by the announcement of a pet dye makeover challenge. Players have until April 28th to submit their newly colored pets for their chance to win several prizes.

The Chimera finally arrived in Chimeraland this week. You can check out Proxima Beta’s take on this legendary beast in the video below.

The Cycle: Frontier

Closed Beta 2 Patch 2.5 went live this week, and you can find the patch notes here. The Closed Beta ends on Monday so you still have a few hours to get your last jumps to Fotruna III in before the server shuts down.

Dual Universe

A pair of Devblog posts this week gave a deep dive into a couple of the new updates coming with the Athena patch. First, there is an overview of the new system map overhaul. Once you’ve read about how the new map will help you better navigate the Helios system, you can check out the second post that covers how the updates to the Lua will bring many community-requested features to Dual Universe.

Ember Sword

Ember Sword held its Pre-alpha Technical Test Phase 2 this week. A post on the Ember Sword Discord stated that the test “went so well that the team already learned everything we needed to” and the Phase 3 test scheduled for Monday has been canceled. For those interested, you can watch a replay of the Phase 2 live stream on the Ember Sword Twitch channel.

Fractured Online

The Roadmap Q&A stream scheduled for April 19th was postponed to April 29th. And for anyone looking to immerse themselves into the world of Fractured Online, the official audiobooks were posted to the FO YouTube channel.

Gloria Victis

With only a few minor fixes due to the shortened holiday week, Weekly Update 316 was filled with community content instead of any major system changes. Some may find this format better than the regular one.


Hey all you 3D artists out there, listen up. Team 21 Studio is looking for a Senior Environment Artist. You can apply here. And if you think you have what it takes to be a Senior VR Game Developer, you can apply here.

Verrückte Welt

Jandi team is looking for volunteer translators for Mad World. If you could help translate to French, Italian, Spanish (European, Latin), Portuguese (European, Brazilian), German, Swedish, Chinese, Russian, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, Malaysian, Filipino, or Indonesian, you can apply by filling out their Google form.

Mist Legacy

Version was released this week. The new version brings about a new seasonal Boss kill ranking system. New solo versions of bosses were also added for those looking for more challenging fights.


We’ve seen a lot of Profane concept art and creature images as of late, but this week Insane shared some of the work done by the audio team. A clip posted to YouTube highlights the forest music the team has been working on.

Project F4E

Project F4E’s Second Prologue Season started this week. The season ends today (Sunday, April 24), so hopefully you got a chance to earn your Season points. If not, the next season is planned for late May.

Project Gorgon

Project Gorgon is currently 50% off on Steam. The sale lasts until May 2nd. If you aren’t sure about picking up the game even at 50% off, you can also download a free demo from the Steam page to give it a try.

Prosperous Universe

Tuesday’s Development Log #331 was short and sweet, what with the Steam release of Prosperous Universe on Wednesday. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to check out the PU Steam page to download the game and give it a quick review.


If the other job postings in this article haven’t been a good fit for you, Living Phoenix Entertainment is looking for a couple of Community Managers. You can find all the requirements and application process here.

Reich des verrückten Gottes

The 3rd generation of STs and the new bleed mechanic were introduced this week. You can read about the changes on the RotMG Blog.

Scars of Honor

Die Diskussion dieser Woche konzentrierte sich auf ein klassisches Fantasy- und MMO-Rennen, das ORC. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit den Foren stoppen und Ihre Eingabe angeben, wie das Team die besten Orks erstellen kann.

Schiff der Helden

Die Heroic Games Corporation kündigte diese Woche an, dass die Spielerwohnung Beta vom 5. Mai bis zum 8. Mai stattfindet. Sie können sich hier für die Beta registrieren.


In dieser Woche wurde ein neuer Entwickler VLOG veröffentlicht. Das Video diskutiert die Station Belagerung, die der PTU, der Schaffung des Spielerrates, und anderen kleineren Themen hinzugefügt wird. Starbase ist derzeit 50% Rabatt auf Dampf. Das Angebot läuft bis 2. Mai.

Dorfagers & Heroes

Patch 4.74.1 wurde diese Woche eingesetzt. Alle Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen finden Sie in den Patch-Noten.


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