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Alle neuen Technologien, die unsere Rezensenten diesen Monat umgehauen haben

We're nearing developer conference season, but before we get there, we've been busy reviewing our little hearts out this past month.

We've found the gems among the many tech products we've given a try this month. They span all the most important established product categories, but also include those tech products that are more off the beaten path. Everything below is stuff we've personally used and reviewed ourselves -- and these ones certainly got our attention this month.


  • SteelSeries Aerox 9 Wireless
  • Samsung T7 Shield
  • Razer Leviathan V2
  • AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D
  • Roccat Burst Pro Air Show 1 more item


Premium TV sweet spot

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SteelSeries Aerox 9 Wireless

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Samsung T7 Shield

Portable, protected storage

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Razer Leviathan V2

A PC gaming soundbar done right

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AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D

The fastest gaming CPU in the world

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Roccat Burst Pro Air

More than a pretty light show

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Premium TV sweet spot

Read our in-depth review


  • Slick new design
  • Improved peak brightness
  • Excellent black levels
  • Solid color accuracy and gamut
  • Great for gamers


  • Some peak brightness artifacts
  • Complex smart TV system

No one thought LG would just roll over and let Samsung step in with its QD-OLED panels without putting up a fight. Even with the screen off, the C2 looks fantastic. It has a nearly bezel-less frame, a space-saving and versatile new stand, and the same incredibly thin side profile the series is known for.

But it's the image quality that counts, right? And here, the LG C2 makes small advances over the previous model, while maintaining the incredible depth of contrast that OLED provides. The Sony A95K may outdo it color accuracy, but it comes with limited sizes available and an insane price, sothe LG C2 OLED still offers the best picture quality you can get for the money. It's that simple.


Premium TV sweet spot


SteelSeries Aerox 9 Wireless

Click to your heart's content

Read our in-depth review


  • Lightweight for its class
  • Sturdy switches
  • High customization potential
  • Handy CPI toggle
  • Competitive price and features


  • Button grid can be tricky
  • Restrictive USB-C dongle

Looking for a new gaming mouse? Na dann viel Glück. There's a ridiculous amount of similarly featured options out there, and it can boggle the mind trying to narrow it down. Well, if you play MOBA or MMO games, you'll appreciate the extra grid of 12 customizable buttons on this one, the SteelSeries Aerox 9 Wireless.

For a mouse with this many buttons, the 89-gram weight feels incredible. The switches are on point too, making it a top-notch performer. Just make sure your PC has a USB-C port before picking this one up.

SteelSeries Aerox 9 Wireless

Click to your heart's content

Samsung T7 Shield

Portable, protected storage

Read our in-depth review


  • Blitzschnell
  • Light and portable
  • AES-256 hardware encryption
  • IP65 dust and water resistance


  • Can get a little hot
  • More expensive than base T7

Samsung's hyper-portable external SSDs are famous for a reason. They're fast, they're tiny, and they're reliable.

The latest addition to the lineup is the T7 Shield, and this one's designed for the photographer or videographer on the go. It's for the shooter who wants both hardware encryption and a durable chassis. Despite having the same blazing-fast SSD as you'll find in the other T7 models, it now also sports an IP65-rated "shield" for protection in outdoor environments. That can be important for creative professionals in certain lines of work, and that makes the T7 Shield one of a kind.

Samsung T7 Shield

Portable, protected storage

Razer Leviathan V2

A PC gaming soundbar done right

Read our in-depth review


  • Einfache Einstellung
  • Sounds great in games
  • Sub provides solid bass
  • Clean, attractive look
  • Adjustable height and tilt


  • Minimal ports
  • No headphone jack

Diese unbekannte Technologie verändert jetzt die Welt! (Revolutionär)

  • Music still doesn’t sound great

Soundbars for PCs are still a bit of a novelty, especially with the wealth of options available in the world of excellent gaming headsets. A soundbar under your monitor doesn't have the same functional appeal that it might for a television, especially considering how much closer you'll be sitting to it.

The Razer Leviathan V2 uses THX Spatial Audio to remedy this problem -- and in games, it really does sound awesome. You'll get the surround sound feel from just this 2.1 device, and it couldn't be easier to se tup. It's still a bit lacking when listening to music, but if you like the idea of a PC gaming soundbar, the Leviathan V2 is worth checking out.


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